

My Poetic exclamations and other expressions

The Only Truth

Let's talk about Truth, it's Manner and Kind.
I am sure there are ways you can find
to speak the unspoken, from mind to mind
Every secret is a Promise
Not every promise is a secret.
If you learn nothing else,
Learn how to keep it.
Now, get that out of your mind.
It's Water you fool,
The wedge that cracks
The hammer that grinds.
Ha! It's the foundation of business.
That is an agreement,
Two hands that are clasped.
That's Trust, a firm contract.
It's Marriage my friend,
We must disagree.
That's me and my love,
Two as one, that's a "We"!
"Nay, it's Parenting!" you say,
To lift them up and raise them higher, 
Not hold them down with selfish desires.
It is Philosophy, the cornerstone of the Greeks.
It's Therefore, logic leads to knowledge,
And, Because it is shared, strong are the meek.
Yes, it's the paradox of All, no mind can ever be alone.
If there is One, there must be Many,
And without the Many, there can be no One.

Featured post

Jedi MindFuck

Don’t mistake meek for weak
or mistake silent for quiet
or mistake my intent for luck
Cuz, I’ll give a whole new meaning
to the term mindfuck
and I’m just gettin’ warmed up
ask La Columbiana Guapa, without any drama
or those black cats I’ll call ’em two goats
then ask Cuddles what she knows
Ya, I’ll drop the “tiger” if you want it
It hogs a lot of material, that 36 grit
And about that photo the rock was in
you’re right, Ms. Wife, without the knife, they could’ve been twins
you’ll be findin’ that with the Queen of Diamonds
There’s a dime, a King, the Jack of Hearts and me
I’m Big A, and you’ll see we’re rollin’ that BDE
And cousin, now that you know it’s true
Do ya think the world is ready for 1-oh-2?
For everyone that screams about proof
Ladies, just sing about the Groove
if that’s not enough for you fools
Ms. Goings you didn’t get played
just tell Bert that’s what he gets for drinking the kool-aid
if you wanna call me out, don’t give it much thought
if you wanna call me out, call me Prof
Remember, not everyone who stumbles and falls
are forever lost
If that’s too much or too funky
Pronounce it with an Umpty
And if you wanna know who I am and what I’ll be,
C’mon y’all, say it with me
because with great power, there must always be
Great responsibility
and a fuckin’ Jedi Knight like me.

Family of Mine

My Father loved my mother dearly
cautiously showing us how to live fearlessly
and the daily livin’
of my mother’s vision
a promised life together, a Family

My brother was my mother’s first Greatest Love
her first taste of being a mother
he was and is a trailblazer
A great but reluctant leader
She always said she re-raised her big brother

My sister was my mother’s Pride
a little Queen with a big fire inside
she would be so proud to see
she raised the woman she wanted to be
A great mother who will fight or die by your side

I was my mother’s Hope, her Little Prince yet to be
despite the hurt, what I learned, changed that, see
Her hoped-for future
Imperfectly sutured
Now, there’s something else I’ve become
I am my mother’s Vengeance
and I am her greatest weapon

“What would my mother say?” Really? Okay…
You obviously don’t know who you’re talking about
She would say, “You run it up, you leave no doubt.”
“You make them remember the day they fucked with, Andrew Steven Bounds.”
“With your shield, or on it, son,”
“you go in it to win it, or you won’t come out”
“Now calm down and show them what you’re about”
Thanks for reminding me what she’d wanna see
So, are we gonna kick ass or chew bubblegum?
‘Cause I’m fresh out of one…

Shadow of the Eagle

There’s a lot of men out there fighting against peace
Some are privately military, some are politicians and some green
Pushing people with lies so they can look strong and mean
But they’ve neither heard nor seen
hide or hair of thundering boots in combat fatigues
Nor the screaming vengeance of those blue wings
Nor a Carrier Group and the dreaded Ping
Nor Mother Green and her fightin’ machine
And you don’t want to, believe me
so, you little men, bring on the pain
Greatest Fighting Force Ever .
Say their fuckin’ name….

Lady Liberty isn’t a statue, or a meme
She’s the daughter of Freedom and Sacrifice
Raised in Revolution and Honored in History
she’s also a niece, revered family
Liberty is a piece of every woman and man
And the Godfather of Liberty is her Uncle Sam

so, Fuck Around and Find Out, if you can
But I’m asking ya, don’t give us a reason to ride
They’re good with the steel, they can really grind meat
Their job is to regulate and make people unalive
They’re good at it too, they earn their keep.
If they can’t defend us they will certainly avenge us
From the first woman to the last man,
first contact with the enemy or the last stand,
We don’t have to be told, we already understand.
Big stick, rattling sword and hidden hand
When it’s all said and done, we will raise our flag.

Hey, hey, listen
Did you see the size of that fuckin’ chicken?


A fucking know-it-all?
I prefer the term Sexual Intellectual
you might wanna think twice before you do battle
with this blue-eyed white boy from Seattle
You stylized, sphincter-sucking sycophants
I’ll bury bitches in layered linguistics
and alluvial alliteration like I said, I meant
A fossil on the beach, a washed-up has-been?
Remember these things come in threes

You claim your attacks are some kind of help
that kind of dumb makes me repeat myself
because my verses are like icebergs
in that the part that goes deep is the part you can’t see
and it ain’t the only thing like that about me
lookup what I say so you can feel the rub glacially
only show the world the parts that are outstanding
inside so hot and cold you could pass for Icelandic
You’re just bubbling crude like ancient trees

And if you dig deeper to come back for more
I hope you can handle being dismantled
No one can stand ya, blood boils like magma
A major deterrent, swapping undercurrents
Hit something solid against your volatile
I’ll rock you right to your core!
I’m the Subliminal Slayer, built layer-by-layer
Compressed impressions designed by me
here endeth the lesson in G-holla-G.

Don’t come back lookin’ for trouble
Tectonic plates, like your face, are buckled
I’ll take you down on the double
It’s gonna hurt when I hit you with the Earth
Stay down kid, I still got the shovel.

A Sorting algorithm for (2,4) mod 6. The Syracuse solution.

Volume 00, Number 0, Pages 000–000
S 0894-0347(XX)0000-0
Part 1. Introduction
The Domain of x=positive integers, Domain of n=natural numbers for odds and
positive integers for evens.
Gives: 3n+1=y where: if n=2x, n
2 , and if n=2x+1, 3n+1
This domain definition yields two trivial loops at x=0, and another at x=1 for
y=2x as it then feeds into the odd trivial loop of x=0. It also yields a single domain
for all x, giving a process for negating any dependent linear expressions.
Every power of two (2a) will collapse to the trivial odd loop if we divide by 2,
so we need to ensure our algorithm can cycle through all possible evens that can
have powers of two, divide by two if it is a power of two, and kick out of our ”slot
machine” if it is not.
We need to account for every even and odd input, and every possible output.
Our function cannot have solutions that repeat, but the more values it covers the
more likely we are to find a power of two. Linear function solutions are preferred
as they ensure no repeat solutions.
Ideally, we would also be able to extend the approach to the domain of negative
integers. If there is a linear solution, or set of solutions, then we should be able to
extend those to the negative integer domain while maintaining the same range.
With the realization that only powers of two will collapse to the trivial loop
of x=0 for all 2(x) and is the only point in which they crossover, we can use the
expanded equation
to begin understanding the possible combinations. This would lead to using the
6-coprime expansion, also a 6 mod c notation. This also leads to the expansion of
all 6-coprimes listed in the next section. this coprime expansion will also be the
basis for expanding to the negative integers.As this expansion is inclusive of all of
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary .
©XXXX American Mathematical Society
the coprime expansions of 2 and 3, all possibilities for the Collatz expansion are
Part 2. Coprime Expansion
2(3x) 2(3x+1) 2(3x+2)
6x+0 6x+1 6x+2 6x+3 6x+4 6x+5
3(2x) 3(2x)+1 3(2x)+2 3(2x+1) 3(2x+1)+1 3(2x+1)+2
As is illustrated in the above diagram, the odd and even coprime multiples of 3
and their related doublets as even numbers are completely covered. This represents
every possible permutation of coprime linear equations for 3’s. This also gives a
structure for separating out that which can be a power of two and that which can’t.
While this is not specific, it does limit the amount of possibilities significantly. This
also has an impact on the sequencing of every possibility.
With the above table it is trivial to see that the odd and even outputs of the
algorithm 3n+1 have unique values. What is not so trivial to see is that the function
3n + 2 can also be used as a substitute for finding twos with a little tweaking to
the algorithm, but it can be done by setting the expression equal to the expression
for odds and taking the resultant root as the starting value for the next iteration.
3n + 2 = 2x + 1
3x + 2 = 2×1 + 1
and so on, using the convention of dividing by 2 until you arrive at 1 or an odd
number other than 1. Also, after subtracting 1, if 2x is a power of two, it would
also be one in the 3n+1, so you can divide down to 1. That is where it breaks down
however, as there can be no zero value that is odd in that substitution function.
The inference of dividing to a trivial loop is able to be realized with the divide rule
mentioned above.
This also gives a maximum slope of 3(2x+1)+2 or 6x+5 for any iteration path
that would be climbing towards infinity. This would also require that every seed
value produce an odd value for the seed value x and there only be one division by
2 every iteration. The distribution of evens and odds in the seed value x supports
all previous work that took the probability as abstract. This applies to all previous
work on 3n+1 and 3n+2 on the Collatz Conjecture as these are the only outputs,
and therefore secondary seed values, for the Collatz Conjecture.
Part 3. Negative Integer Domain
If we change our domain, we need to continue the negation across all steps
2x + 1 = 2x − 1 = n
3n + 1 = 3n − 1 = 3(2x − 1) − 1 = 6x − 4
Which gives us the following expansion like the positive integers:
2(3x) 2(3x-1) 2(3x-2)
6x-0 6x-1 6x-2 6x-3 6x-4 6x-5
3(2x) 3(2x)-1 3(2x)-2 3(2x-1) 3(2x-1)-1 3(2x-1)-2
This allows us to see the direct expansion to negative integers and that every
iteration following the form outlined above will give the same result for the domain
of the negative integers. All of the above shows that previous findings of other and
in this paper apply to the negative integers when using this form.
Part 4. Conclusion
With the above information we can determine, for any given x:
(1) The maximum slope for any iteration of this algorithm is 6x + 5 which
implies a minimum logarithmic density.
(2) The only outputs possible from any given input are divisions by 2a and the
parity of a tells you if it is 6x + 1 or 6x + 5 and anything else results in
another division by 2.
(3) the only way out of the loop is to find a power of 2.
(4) the even numbers that correlate to 6x+2 and 6x+4 can be sorted by this
process into 3 distinct outputs, the odd roots correspond to 6x+5 and the
even roots that are not a power of 2 will correspond to 6x + 1. The zero
value being the only identity crossover point. all other values are distinct.
(5) If changing the domain of x to the negative integers, then all operations
must be properly negated in order to show the same results for that domain,
but the algorithm can be completely mapped to the negative integers.
With the above points we can determine that the 6-coprime expansion encompasses
all of the behaviors and examples of the algorithm output possibilities. The expansion
also shows the differentiation by parity of the input value of x and by the
number of divisions by 2, or 2a. The parity of a is also determinant to which output
is achieved, pairing even values of a with even values of x. The only other
outputs available are the divisions by 2, which yield the trivial loop when there are
no odd factors.
Abstract. ABSTRACT: In this it is shown that there is an algorithm for
sorting (2,4) mod 6 (a.k.a. Syracuse problem, Collatz conjecture, Hailstone
problem, etc.) is true through the use of 6 coprime notation and seeing the
problem as an algorithm for sorting roots of even numbers to find powers of
two from integers-reduced-to-odd inputs, a robust algorithm in fact. Previous
work focused on the 3n+1 structure, but this reasoning shows that it only
encompassed half of the solution. 3n+2 being the other half.
CA 92630
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Funding Options

In order to help with funding my hobby of posting, I now have Buy Me a Coffee and Patreon accounts. Here are the links if you would like to help financially support my endeavors!

Buy Me a Coffee:


You can choose different tiers and such. The sites are new (03/23), so there isn’t much unique content there, but I will be posting knife sales and other things there also. So please, at least check in once and a while for special stuff!

Full Fucking Jedi

I am so happy you stayed interested
And of course, apology accepted
And my equal reply
In full, in kind
Now let's see if I can't make good the investment
I'm going to give this a helluva try
cause if I'm even mostly right
There's lots to do
more than me and you
and I'm a fucking Jedi Knight!
The gap after the song was indeed a dramatic pause
I wanted to be clear, plus it's some of the best advice I ever got
When he was singin'
Keep their heads ringin'
And made a phone call, like it or not
Now, A phone call to you, is a party line to me
They wouldn't have believed, and they needed to see
A tail wag to you
Hi, I'm Andrew
and it doesn't get any more real than me
And now, Experiment successful! let's say twice
the third time was to show you what it was like
Mrs. look-you-in-the-eyes-when-I-do-it
He thought He could do it
Was the fourth time because of the fight?
And you already know I am not a witch
You just can't stop scratching that itch
Stop being so bold
You know you've been told
Now watch those stumbles Mitch
And I'm not trying to take down the man
It's more like Denny's, a real Country Slam
and Brother, t'was more than little chuckle
When I got to call ya all Hat and no Buckle
It really was good to finally see your fam
So many out there that I could mention
The little Tumblers attention
And a blush
for my Comic Crush
And the White Queen up in her mansion

This isn't a joke, it's gravely important
I love to laugh, but y'alls perspective is distorted
If this is real
do you really feel
That your satisfaction is to what it should be devoted?


For the dude whose head looks like a cue
And Dave the 8-ball that was with you
"Hi guys", you heard that too right?
Yeah, you heard right that night
And, you doubting bitches, I did too

Wait, Hold up there buddy, It smells a little Musky
Now I'm pretty sure that bet was for 2 big hunks of money
dunno if it was a Mil,
or was it Bill?
But that Saturday Night Live shit was funny

'And to take out the cast'
they say the best for last 😉

Moses Supposes His Toeses Are Roses Song

but always, always, always, make them laugh…

oh yeah,  I had to look back but it made me smile
You guys were the reason that she had to lie
So, thanks for the shower, Big Willie Style…

Dr. Jen Gunter in the press

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